Day 7. Think Happy Thoughts

"Relive a beautiful memory"

Cast your thoughts back to your earliest Christmases. Were they happy ones? If so, there will be some memory that will make you feel, when you think about it, as if you are right back in it. And those happy thoughts will create the same warmth, love, or sense of childlike awe and wonder.

We don't aim to recreate those precious memories in our present lives, but I do believe they can be gifts from our Loving Creator for our present lives when we take time to remember them.

For in remembering, we experience that same sweet rush of feeling in our minds and emotions. We know that studies indicate that whether the experience is in real time or a remembered one, it affects our bodies, our minds, and our feelings the same way. 

So in the words of this wise snowman, think happy thoughts! And relive some of those moments with sweetness, awe, and wonder. It will change your day.

1 comment:

  1. Reminiscing at this time of year, for me, is such a joy!


There's no need to leave a comment ... just enjoy. The reason I opened the comments is because there were some interested to leave a 'footprint'.

Wishing you joy to your world....